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We have an extensive portfolio of house filming locations across the country

From Sussex to Leicester, we have hundreds of houses for filming, with something to suit every video and photography project aesthetic.

Residential Locations

Most of our location houses are in London, although we do cover the majority of the south east of England.
Our catalogue of residential film locations includes all areas of London, Hertfordshire, East Sussex, Watford, Middlesex, Kent, Essex and Oxfordshire to name a few, but we are continually working on expanding our portfolio.

Types of Residential Properties for Filming

Here at Locations Direct, we’re proud to offer a diverse selection of residential homes for filming and photography. No matter what your project is, we have a property to suit.

  • Family Home

    Family homes make up the majority of our location houses, each furnished to suit different family dynamics and styles.

  • Studio Apartment

    If your film or photography project involves a high flying, child-free character, we have a property for you.

  • Period Homes

    After something more quaint? Check out our range of country homes, cottages farmhouses, and interiors.

  • Regal Homes

    From heritage sites to castles and manor homes our range of upper-class mansions will befit any royal project.

  • Derelict Buildings

    We have a sizable range of buildings that will provide the perfect backdrop to any tense, film or photoshoot.

  • Modern Properties

    After something a bit more flashy? Check out our selection of Modern Homes for all those super stylish scenes.

From bungalows to mansions with swimming pools, houseboats to retro 60s builds, foreign lookalike houses to suburban townhouses and basement apartments to expansive gardens, our extensive portfolio covers all residential bases.

Find your perfect Residential Property

Why Book with Locations Direct?

  • Based in London, we have built up one of the most comprehensive film and photography location portfolios centred around the capital city and the surrounding areas. We are continually working to increase our property collection as we expand further afield across England.

  • In addition to our residential locations, we also have a wide range of council and public buildings, bars, restaurants, car parks, sports facilities, retail settings, warehouses and more.

  • When you find a property you like, you can add it to your collection which you can share with other people and your clients.

We also have our click to buy feature which allows you to instantly pay for a location without all the hassle. To find out more about our residential properties or any of our film locations, please contact us.

Book a Location

Our booking system is easy. Refine your search by property type using the navigation bar and scroll through our catalogue until you find a suitable match for your needs. Take a look at the photos available showcasing the entirety of the property and if you’re interested, hit the ‘Request More Information’ button.

This is where we require a bit more information from you regarding your project, such as the name of the project, your budget, how long you’ll need to rent out the property for and the dates you’ll need it. We will then contact the property owner and pass on your details. Once we’ve heard back from them, we will relay the information to you and look after the booking for you. Super simple and easy!

Find your perfect Residential Property

Rent House for Film Location

If you think your house or a property you own would make the perfect backdrop for a media project, you can register it with us. All we need from you is your contact details, the property address, an example image and any additional notes you feel may be relevant. We will then take your information and contact you regarding your registration. If we think your property is suitable for our portfolio, we will not charge you to feature.

Finding your perfect residential property

Book your location at the click of a button

Book your Location

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